Arxius per mes: Setembre 2012

Com funciona una mutació en un factor de transcripció causa otitis?

Acute otitis media, sometimes known as “glue ear”, is the most common bacterial infection in children and by 1 year of age about 60% of children will have had one episode. In some cases, children develop a chronic condition, which, despite the infection being cured, the “glue” doesn’t go away and causes deafness.  In an [...]

Publicat en Pathway anàlisi, Target descobriment | Deixeu un comentari

Target discovery in childhood-onset asthma

Asthma is caused by a combination of environmental and genetic influences, but the specific factors are poorly understood. A significant “hit” detected in a genome-wide association scan (GWAS) for childhood asthma led a client to believe that one gene might be partially responsible. Proving that this genetic association really was causing asthma was, however, difficult. Firstly, [...]

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