Author Archives: Paul Denny

Pathway Análisis utilizando el conjunto de genes análisis de enriquecimiento (GSEA) Herramienta

Gene Set Enrichment Analysis is one of many approaches to the analysis of gene expression profile data and is described in a paper from workers at the Broad Institute. The basic concept was prompted by the observation that studying individual genes showing the most significant difference in expression level between two states or phenotypes is lacking [...]

Entrada publicada en Pathway análisis | 1 Response

Alegrías de edición de libros académicos de ciencias

Or: “A beginner’s guide to herding cats”. Consider this scenario: you are an academic scientist, in a busy research institute and your boss is invited to edit a book, but declines due to pressure of work; then suggests that it would look good on your CV. You agree, it would look good on your CV, so [...]

Entrada publicada en Alivio de la Luz | 1 Response

¿Cómo funciona una mutación en un factor de transcripción oído pegamento causa?

Acute otitis media, sometimes known as “glue ear”, is the most common bacterial infection in children and by 1 year of age about 60% of children will have had one episode. In some cases, children develop a chronic condition, which, despite the infection being cured, the “glue” doesn’t go away and causes deafness.  In an [...]

Entrada publicada en Pathway análisis, Target descubrimiento | Dejar un comentario

Target descubrimiento en el asma durante la infancia

Asthma is caused by a combination of environmental and genetic influences, but the specific factors are poorly understood. A significant “hit” detected in a genome-wide association scan (GWAS) for childhood asthma led a client to believe that one gene might be partially responsible. Proving that this genetic association really was causing asthma was, however, difficult. Firstly, [...]

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Pathway análisis de datos de expresión génica – reduce la fertilidad masculina / esterilidad

Un grupo de animales que pueden reproducirse y producir descendencia fértil es una de las definiciones de una especie. Esto significa que los mecanismos biológicos de la fertilidad y la infertilidad son de interés no sólo para los biólogos evolutivos, sino también para los médicos y por supuesto al público en general. At the Institute of Molecular Genetics in [...]

Entrada publicada en Pathway análisis, Target descubrimiento | 1 Response

Target descubrimiento en la debilidad muscular hereditario

Muscle weakness can be caused by a rare inherited disease called myofibrillar myopathy. Gonzalo Blanco’s team found a mouse model of this disease and wanted to identify the underlying cause of the severe muscle weakness. Their aim was to discover potential therapeutic targets to translate into pre-clinical and clinical studies. Before I became involved, the disease had [...]

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