Maandelijks Archief: Augustus 2012

Pathway-analyse van genexpressie data – male verminderde vruchtbaarheid / steriliteit

A group of animals that can breed and produce fertile offspring is one of the definitions of a species. This means that the biological mechanisms of fertility and infertility are of interest not only to evolutionary biologists, but also to clinicians and of course to the wider public. At the Institute of Molecular Genetics in [...]

Geplaatst inPathway-analyse, Target discovery | 1 Response

Target discovery in erfelijke spierzwakte

Muscle weakness can be caused by a rare inherited disease called myofibrillar myopathy. Gonzalo Blanco’s team found a mouse model of this disease and wanted to identify the underlying cause of the severe muscle weakness. Their aim was to discover potential therapeutic targets to translate into pre-clinical and clinical studies. Before I became involved, the disease had [...]

Geplaatst inTarget discovery | Plaats een reactie
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