Maandelijks Archief: November 2013

Applications & Bottlenecks In Next Generation Sequencing

After months of preparation and the occasional sleepless night, November 5th arrived.  It wasn’t only Bonfire Night, but also the beginning of a two-day conference, focusing on NGS in clinical genetics laboratories.  Organised by my colleagues and friends from biotexcel and myself, it was held in the Manchester Conference Centre, in, naturally enough, Manchester, UK. In order to break [...]

Geplaatst inGenomics, Wetenschapscommunicatie | Plaats een reactie

So, What Do Your Genes DO?

Genes are not passive.  They are the target of moleculardimmer switches”; typically (but not always) specific proteins, which dial up or turn down their activity.  Most genes are translated into proteins, but discovering the true role of those proteins, in the life of a cell or a whole organism, is nog steeds een van de grote uitdagingen [...]

Geplaatst inZiekte Modellen, Genomics, Target discovery | Plaats een reactie
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