Archivio Mensile: Maggio 2013

Alcuni dei nostri geni sono mancanti…ma quali?

One can think of genes in a number of ways: A livello del DNA – semplicemente come una sequenza lineare di nucleotidi, in un ordine fisso, nella “normale” Stato, or Again as a DNA molecule, ma ricordate che i geni in organismi, piuttosto che in pezzi di DNA in una provetta, are subject [...]

Pubblicato in Disease Models, Genomics | 1 Risposta

Genetics Society Spring Meeting: Genomics for Health and Society

The aim of of the meeting was to begin to answer the question: “What will be the impact of large-scale sequencing of human populations in the 21st Century?” Held at The Royal Society in London on 19th April 2013, the meeting brought together some distinguished figures from clinical genetics, population genomics, DNA fingerprinting and the [...]

Pubblicato in Genomics, Scienze della Comunicazione | Scrivi un commento
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