Archivo delle Categorie: Genomics

Applications & Bottlenecks In Next Generation Sequencing, Day 2

This word cloud shows the words that people used in the ice-breaking session, that I mentioned in my last post,  to describe what they hoped to gain from the conference. On Day 2, our Keynote speaker was: Dr Anneke Seller, Oxford Genetics: Clinical utility; actionable #NGS diagnosis for patients & families #ngsmanchester — Paul [...]

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Applications & Bottlenecks In Next Generation Sequencing

After months of preparation and the occasional sleepless night, November 5th arrived.  It wasn’t only Bonfire Night, but also the beginning of a two-day conference, focusing on NGS in clinical genetics laboratories.  Organised by my colleagues and friends from biotexcel and myself, it was held in the Manchester Conference Centre, in, naturally enough, Manchester, Regno Unito. In order to break [...]

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Così, What Do Your Genes DO?

Genes are not passive.  They are the target of molecular “dimmer switches”; typically (but not always) specific proteins, which dial up or turn down their activity.  Most genes are translated into proteins, but discovering the true role of those proteins, in the life of a cell or a whole organism, is still one of the great challenges [...]

Pubblicato anche in Disease Models, Obiettivo scoperta | Scrivi un commento

Alcuni dei nostri geni sono mancanti…ma quali?

One can think of genes in a number of ways: A livello del DNA – semplicemente come una sequenza lineare di nucleotidi, in un ordine fisso, nella “normale” Stato, or Again as a DNA molecule, ma ricordate che i geni in organismi, piuttosto che in pezzi di DNA in una provetta, are subject [...]

Pubblicato anche in Disease Models | 1 Risposta

Genetics Society Spring Meeting: Genomics for Health and Society

The aim of of the meeting was to begin to answer the question: “What will be the impact of large-scale sequencing of human populations in the 21st Century?” Held at The Royal Society in London on 19th April 2013, the meeting brought together some distinguished figures from clinical genetics, population genomics, DNA fingerprinting and the [...]

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Spostamento di sequenziamento di nuova generazione in Clinica, parte 2

first attempt at live tweets from #ngs2013 — Paul Denny (@ Pauldennyuk) Marzo 12, 2013 In my last post, Ho riassunto le prime quattro colloqui di questo simposio: 1Oxford st Workshop e simposio, 4Conoscenza ° Techgene Network Meeting, “NGS2013 sequenziamento di nuova generazione: Bioinformatica e Analisi dei dati” Si potrebbe anche leggere i tweet dalla riunione [...]

Pubblicato in Genomics | 1 Risposta

Spostamento di sequenziamento di nuova generazione in Clinica

In un giorno glorioso (ma con artico-come i venti!) all'inizio di questa settimana, Ho partecipato ad un simposio sulla NGS sfruttano nella diagnostica genetica clinica: Off per # Ngs2013 today at Wolfson College Oxford #NGS #Clinical #Dx #diagnostic #personalisedmed Should be good — Paul Denny (@ Pauldennyuk) Marzo 12, 2013 I relatori sono stati i medici, bioinformaticians and biomedical [...]

Pubblicato in Genomics | 1 Risposta
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