Author Archives: Paul Denny

Five Reasons Why Academic Science Researchers Should Teach

I recently returned, albeit part-time, to work in academia and I was offered the chance to teach. Many academics in scientific research never teach, other than perhaps one-to-one “teaching” of a new doctoral student.  In the past, I have presented my work to other scientists and also given a few guest lectures to undergraduates; ale [...]

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Applications & Bottlenecks In Next Generation Sequencing, Day 2

This word cloud shows the words that people used in the ice-breaking session, that I mentioned in my last post,  to describe what they hoped to gain from the conference. On Day 2, our Keynote speaker was: Dr Anneke Seller, Oxford Genetics: Clinical utility; actionable #NGS diagnosis for patients & families #ngsmanchester — Paul [...]

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Applications & Bottlenecks In Next Generation Sequencing

After months of preparation and the occasional sleepless night, November 5th arrived.  It wasn’t only Bonfire Night, but also the beginning of a two-day conference, focusing on NGS in clinical genetics laboratories.  Organised by my colleagues and friends from biotexcel and myself, it was held in the Manchester Conference Centre, w, naturally enough, Manchester, UK. In order to break [...]

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Tak, What Do Your Genes DO?

Genes are not passive.  They are the target of molecular “dimmer switches”; typically (but not always) specific proteins, which dial up or turn down their activity.  Most genes are translated into proteins, but discovering the true role of those proteins, in the life of a cell or a whole organism, is still one of the great challenges [...]

Opublikowano w Modele chorobowe, Genomics, Cel odkrycie | Skomentuj

Niektóre z naszych genów brakuje…ale które z nich?

One can think of genes in a number of ways: Na poziomie DNA – prostu jako liniowy sekwencję nukleotydów, W jednym ustalonym porządku, w “normalny” stan, or Again as a DNA molecule, Ale pamiętaj, że geny w organizmach, a nie w części DNA w probówce, are subject [...]

Opublikowano w Modele chorobowe, Genomics | 1 Response

Genetics Society Spring Meeting: Genomics for Health and Society

The aim of of the meeting was to begin to answer the question: “What will be the impact of large-scale sequencing of human populations in the 21st Century?” Held at The Royal Society in London on 19th April 2013, the meeting brought together some distinguished figures from clinical genetics, population genomics, DNA fingerprinting and the [...]

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Gene & Cell Therapy For the People

The Annual meeting of the British Society for Gene and Cell Therapy, as well as being aimed at the expert, included a day of presentations intended for students and the public.  Aimed primarily at GCSE and A-level students, but open to all,  this one day interactive event provided an opportunity to discuss and debate gene and [...]

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Przeprowadzka sekwencjonowaniu nowej generacji do kliniki, część 2

first attempt at live tweets from #ngs2013 — Paul Denny (@pauldennyuk) Marzec 12, 2013 In my last post, I summarised the first four talks from this symposium: 1st Oxford Workshop and Symposium, 4th Techgene Knowledge Network Meeting, “NGS2013 Next generation Sequencing: Bioinformatics and Data AnalysisYou could also read the Tweets from the meeting [...]

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Przeprowadzka sekwencjonowaniu nowej generacji do kliniki

Na wspaniały dzień (ale z wiatrem Arctic-jak!) wcześniej w tym tygodniu, Brałem udział w sympozjum na temat NGS eksploatujących w klinice genetyki diagnostycznej: Off to # Ngs2013 today at Wolfson College Oxford #NGS #Clinical #Dx #diagnostic #personalisedmed Should be good — Paul Denny (@pauldennyuk) Marzec 12, 2013 Prelegentami byli lekarze, bioinformaticians and biomedical [...]

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Co może małe myszy uczą nas o ludzkich wad wrodzonych?

Mice are born with their eyes tightly shut, otwierając je po raz pierwszy kilka dni później. So when a mouse was noticed that was smaller than normal and had been born with it’s eyes open, to zwrócił uwagę. Nieprawidłowości takie jak ta powstają spontanicznie we wszystkich pomieszczeniach dla zwierząt, but sometimes they are not [...]

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